Impact of staggering growth of student loans on our children’s future

by Grace

Here’s a chart based on New York Federal Reserve data for household debt. The red line shows the cumulative growth in student loans since 1999. The blue line shows the growth of all other household debt except for student loans over the same period.

The 511% growth in student loans since 1999 is staggering and unsustainable.  And here’s the scariest part when I consider my children’s future.

All this college debt could put the U.S. on a slower growth path in the years to come. As Americans grapple with high student loan payments for the first few decades of their adult lives, they’ll have less money to spend and invest. All that money flowing into colleges and universities is being funneled away from other industries where it would have been spent in future years. Of course, this would be a rather unfortunate irony: higher education is supposed to enhance a nation’s growth, but with such an enormous debt burden, graduates might not be able to spend and invest enough to allow that growth to occur.

Source:  Chart of the Day: Student Loans Have Grown 511% Since 1999, The Atlantic

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