Top 5 ‘Cost of College’ posts in 2011

by Grace

Posts that received the most page views on my blog this past year.

  1. The Kerrigan method of ‘Writing to the Point’
  2. Online degree from London School of Economics for $5,000
  3. Leading reasons for high college costs are research and public service
  4. ’10 Reasons to Skip the Expensive Colleges’
  5. Save money on college textbooks by using Kindle

These received the most comments.

  1. Khan Academy classroom pilot declared a ‘success’ based on no data
  2. College for everyone? As long as you’re willing to pay for everyone’s ‘six-year bong party’
  3. M.I.T. adds credentialing to its online course program
  4. College students find that STEM majors are too darn hard
  5. Should they be occupying universities?

Interesting that there’s no overlap.

Thank you for reading and commenting on Cost of College in 2011!
