Archive for April 23rd, 2013

April 23, 2013

Do we have a student loan crisis?

by Grace

While it’s unlikely that student loans on their own have created a crisis, they do seem to be a drag on our struggling economy.

When the The Atlantic looked at the student loan “crisis”, some of the numbers are alarming.

… The cost of college has spiked 150 percent since 1995, compared with a 50 percent increase in the cost of other goods and services. Last year, outstanding student loans soared to nearly $1 trillion—a 300 percent jump since 2003. College is an undeniably risky investment, seemingly more so than ever. But are rising debt levels a national crisis?

But their infographic presented a more balanced look at some of the numbers, with the first three sections making the argument that the averages do not support the idea of a crisis.


Not a crisis, but problematic for a struggling economy

Updated 2012 numbers from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York report

The paper starts by noting that student debt has grown dramatically over the last decade — some 43 percent of Americans under the age of 25 had student debt in 2012, with the average debt burden now $20,326. By contrast, back in 2003, just 25 percent of younger Americans had debt, and the average burden was $10,649.

Younger Americans with student debt are less likely to buy homes and automobiles, holding back spending that has typically fueled past economic growth.

… it looks like rising student debt really might be eating into the housing and auto markets. If so, that could have big implications for the U.S. economy. Auto and housing sales have been a huge driver of growth these past few years, though auto sales are still well below their peak. (Analysts are expecting around 15 to 15.5 million sales in 2013, versus an average of 16.6 million per year during the 2000s.) If younger Americans are retreating from those markets, that could help slow down the recovery.

Related:  College debt levels higher than all other types of consumer loans (Cost of College)