Posts tagged ‘Rick Perry’

February 8, 2013

At least four states have jumped on the $10,000 college degree bandwagon

by Grace

California, Texas, Florida, and Wisconsin have all taken steps to offer residents a $10,000 college degree option.  This is starting to look like a legitimate trend, with a stronger emphasis on cutting costs than on asking taxpayers to spend more.

“Up until now, the argument over college affordability has been dominated by calls to action on two fronts: lower interest rates on student loans and asking taxpayers to pay more so state legislatures can increase funding to higher education a greater amount,” said Thomas K. Lindsay, director of the Center for Higher Education at the Texas Public Policy Foundation, a think tank with ties to Perry and associated with the reforms the Texas governor and others are pushing. “What this does, this changes the debate to reducing the cost to students and parents, raising expectations about what the public expects from higher education.”

Political leaders from these states emphasize efficiency and the “right” kinds of degrees.

These governors have emphasized degrees in science, technology, engineering, and math, as well as more professional degrees, such as teaching and business, rather than humanities. A gubernatorial task force in Florida recently proposed charging students who major in humanities disciplines more to discourage them from entering those fields.

It seems like a mistake to be using taxpayer funds to pick winners and losers among college majors.  Do we need to produce more teachers now, for example?

Support for cheaper degrees has not escaped criticism.

But critics contend such a policy on funding overlooks the value of a liberal arts education and the benefits of training in the humanities. They point to many studies have proven that liberal arts programs produce well-rounded students who often have better communication skills, which aid them in the job market, regardless of whether they were trained for a specific trade.

Many university faculty members have also voiced concern that educational quality would inevitably suffer. If colleges are expected to slash tuition costs without receiving more state subsidies, the cuts will have to be made elsewhere, they note. What’s more, cheaper tuition will not necessarily result in better education, and perhaps the difference will not be noticed until it is too late, they argue.

One compelling argument for the $10,000 degree from Cornell Law School professor William Jacobson:

“… the traditional model is not affordable to many people anymore.”

Meanwhile, one school in the University of Texas system is offering a $5,000 bachelor’s degree.

Texas students with an associate degree in applied sciences now have the opportunity to continue their studies and earn a bachelor’s degree for $5,000 from the University of Texas of the Permian Basin.

President David Watts announced Tuesday that UTPB is offering an online Bachelor of Applied Arts and Sciences with a concentration in industrial technology, for $5,000.

UTPB is located in my old stomping grounds of Odessa, where roughnecks and toolpushers can now work on a college degree during their down-time at the oil drilling site.

The 60-hour completion degree is offered entirely online and will allow students to complete course work whether they’re working at a rig site or sitting in a coffee shop, Watts said.

UTPB is already offering $10,000 degrees in a number of other fields.

The creation of the $5,000 completion bachelor’s degree follows UTPB’s April announcement of the Texas Science Scholars program, which allows students to earn bachelor’s degrees in geology, chemistry, computer science, information systems and math for only $10,000. Both programs were created in response to Gov. Rick Perry’s call for affordable college degrees for Texas students, Watts said.

Related:  Step right up and get your $10,000 college degree in Texas! (Cost of College)

March 12, 2012

Step right up and get your $10,000 college degree in Texas!

by Grace
English: Seal of Texas

Image via Wikipedia

Speaking today on a SXSWEdu panel in Austin, officials from a few Texas community colleges and universities said that $10,000 bachelor’s degrees are available now — and more will be within the year.

Gov. Rick Perry famously called on the development of a $10,000 degree in his State of the State address in 2011. The proposal met with criticism at the time, but Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board Chairman Fred Heldenfels said it was misunderstood. “It’s not intended to be a bargain degree,” he said, offering the metaphor of a no-frills, rapid-rail route rather than an ocean-going cruise.

Going with that metaphor, I can see the value of foregoing the luxury cruise ship’s elaborate dining options and luxurious spa pampering if it means getting to the same destination at a lower price.  If it’s done right, a no-frills $10,000 college degree can be equivalent to a $200,000 traditional five-year campus party in terms of core learning.

Here’s a glimpse of how it’ll be done.

… “shredded e-textbooks,” electronic books that can be broken up according to what content is needed and downloaded at low cost

… competency-based learning — allowing students to advance once they have proven mastery of a subject rather than requiring them to sit through a predetermined amount of classes for course credit

… students may begin college coursework during their junior year of high school. After graduation, they must complete one year of community college and then transfer to Texas A&M, San Antonio to finish

The $10,000 plan so far includes bachelor degrees in business administration, information technology with a focus on cybersecurity, and applied science in organizational leadership.

Aggie envy in Texas Tech-land

Now that the Aggies have shown it can be done, we’re betting the Red Raiders and others will quickly demonstrate how it can be done better.

Let the race begin.

August 26, 2011

DREAM Act updates

by Grace

States that allow illegal/undocumented college students to pay in-state tuition

      • California
      • Illinois
      • Kansas
      • Maryland (community colleges)
      • Nebraska
      • New Mexico
      • New York
      • Oklahoma
      • Texas
      • Utah
      • Washington
      • Wisconsin

Maryland’s law is suspended until the results of a referendum that will be on the ballot in November of next year.

The General Assembly passed the Dream Act in May but opponents were able to get enough signatures to put the proposal before voters. The immigrant advocacy group Casa de Maryland has sued to block the referendum but as of now, voters will have a chance to decide if the Dream Act will become a reality.

California is moving ahead with plans to provide financial aid to illegal students.

Following through on a campaign promise, Gov. Jerry Brown signed a law Monday easing access to privately funded financial aid for undocumented college students. He also signaled that he was likely to back a more controversial measure allowing those students to seek state-funded tuition aid in the future.

Rick Perry signed the Texas DREAM Act in 2001, as reported by USNews last month.

In sharp contrast to the national Republican Party line, Texas Gov. Rick Perry still supports his state’s version of the so-called DREAM Act, which permits foreign-born children of illegal immigrants to pay in-state college tuition. “To punish these young Texans for their parents’ actions is not what America has always been about,” the potential dark horse GOP candidate told the New Hampshire Union Leader in his first New Hampshire interview of the 2012 campaign cycle.